Made this in a few hours to learn Javascript. It is super simple, basic snake game, when the snake bites itself, the game restarts. Tried implementing some neat functional stuff in there as well.
p.s. I don't know about the coding style and conventions of Javascript, might have overused arrow functions and function expressions, but it is Javascript, so nobody really cares haha
This is a simple arcadey game made using the love2d framework. I made a little library on top of it to make pixel art drawing much easier. I made all the assets, for what it's worth. Kind of an oldie, too.
I don't know why I called it jib-Engine. It's a very bare-bones pixel art and input library based on SDL2. Written in nim, which is a language I find to be quite nifty! I wish to improve this library with render textures to eliminate my cobbled together line and 'circle' drawing algorithms.
Made this in a few minutes to dump images from wallpaper threads into local folders so I can go through them faster. It allows you to save all the images from any 4chan thread.
I know it's near unreadable :^)
Alongside these, I am also working on a little strategy game. Right now I'm implementing it as a discord bot, which may or may not be a dumb idea, but I will definitely turn it into a standalone thing when I'm able.